For Questions, Please contact: or Haidee Hynes at


​​​​Required Documents:

Cub Scouts

​​-​BSA Medical Forms A & B

-BSA youth application, for NEW scouts 

​ Youth Volunteers:
​-​BSA Medical Forms A&B
​ -Youth Supplemental Form
-BSA youth application (if NOT currently registered with the BSA)​

Adult Volunteers:
- ​BSA Medical Forms A&B​
-​​​​​​​​​​​Youth Protection



All Adult and Youth Volunteers 
Must Attend all Trainings
and Complete YPT Training



Day Camp 2024
June 24th-28th, 2024
Harford Equestrian Center

Theme: Knights of the Round Table!!

Training Dates for Adult and Youth Volunteers!!

Attendance is required at only 1 training session​

Please note these dates have changed due to re-schedule from an illness in the camp staff. The trainings for 6/4, and 6/5 are postponed 

​​In-Person: June 6th,12th
7pm, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

​​In-Person: June 17th/18th
7pm,TAG Building, Equestrian Center

​Virtual/Zoom: 11th, 13th
Youth at 7pm Adults at 8pm

Zoom Details:

Topic: Harford District Day Camp Training

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 6682 1297
Passcode: rCr6bi


Please email:
Haidee Hynes

        All Tags, Lions,            and Tiger Scouts   need a responsible adult on the premises for the entire week.